Real Estate Analysis and Commentary in [CITY]

January 24th, 2024 11:59 AM
Does anyone have a question to ask the appraiser about how an appraisal is done.

Posted in:General
Posted by Russell Alfano on January 24th, 2024 11:59 AMLeave a Comment

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January 2nd, 2023 9:00 PM
Residential real estate appraiser preforming appraisals in Kitsap, Pierce, King, Mason and Jefferson Counties in Washington State.

Posted by Russell Alfano on January 2nd, 2023 9:00 PMLeave a Comment

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October 29th, 2022 2:20 PM

Welcome to RWA Appraisals, where we provide comprehensive litigation appraisal services, appraisals for retrospective valuations and appraisals for employee relocation. We have been providing top-notch appraisal services since 2007 and take pride in offering the most accurate and reliable results.

At RWA Appraisals we understand how important it is to have a thorough appraisal of property or business assets when it comes to litigation or other disputes. Our highly experienced team of certified appraisers provide a comprehensive appraisal service that is tailored to meet the unique needs of your situation. Whether you need an appraisal for employee relocation, retrospective valuations or litigation purposes, our experts will thoroughly assess the property or asset in question and provide an accurate estimation of its fair market value.

When it comes to litigation appraisals, our team has extensive experience evaluating properties that are involved in complex legal matters. We have helped many clients who are involved in divorce proceedings, estate settlements and other types of legal disputes. Our appraisers use the latest industry tools and techniques to ensure an accurate assessment of the property’s fair market value. We also work closely with attorneys and other legal professionals to ensure that all information is gathered according to current standards set by professional organizations such as The Appraisal Foundation (TAF).

For those needing appraisals for employee relocation or retrospective valuations, our team can help you make informed decisions about your business assets. Our detailed evaluations give clients peace of mind knowing that their assets are being accurately valued for the purpose intended. Whether you need an appraisal for employee relocation expenses or want to know what something was worth years ago, our experts can provide you with reliable information that takes into account factors like inflation, market trends and more.

At RWA Appraisals we understand how important accuracy is when it comes to determining the value of a property or asset. That's why our team works hard every day to ensure each client receives high-quality service with results they can trust. If you need assistance with valuation for any reason don't hesitate to contact us today!

Posted in:General
Posted by Russell Alfano on October 29th, 2022 2:20 PMLeave a Comment

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